Since this is the day we traditionally make resolutions for the year to come, I thought I’d let you know what I’m hoping to get done on the writing front in 2019. No promises, just good intentions, but I will do my best. ?
1. First, I realise I’ve been sadly remiss with the actual writing recently, for various reasons, but this year I hope to do better. I am still in the process of writing two historical novels (!), but I’d also like to publish at least one Freddy book in the first part of the year, with possibly more to come later, depending on time commitments. There may also be short stories.
2. I’m going to get new paperback covers at last. I’m also looking into the possibility of doing large print paperback editions. (By the way, I’d be interested to know what you think about this. Worth doing?)
3. There will be more audio releases this year. Gethyn has already started recording Duplicity in Dorset, and if I can manage it I will do a couple more of the Angela books.
I think that’s it. Is there anything I’ve forgotten? I’m writing it here so it’s public and thus more difficult to wriggle out of. ?
Work aside, I wish you all a very happy new year, and give you this picture so you can imagine me whooping it up at a glamorous party last night, instead of flopping in front of the TV then going to bed at 11 as I actually did. (Must do better next year.)
Just a few minutes ago, I finished The Shadow at Greystone Chase. I must tell you that I cried at the end of The Scandal at 23 Mount Street. However, fortunately, between the two, I read the short story, Angela’s Christmas Adventure, and was so relieved.
Thank you so much for Angela! I love her! Now, I must begin A Case of Blackmail in Belgravia!
Tsk! You read them in the wrong order ;-) but I’m glad it relieved your mind at least! (I also cried when I was writing Scandal.)
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